Saturday, February 21, 2009

Lakewood Neighborhood Group February 19th 2009

Shawn &
Meeting brought to order.

Fire Dept
Station #5 responded to 9,549 incidents in 2008. In January of 2009 there were 120 incidents. There have been 3 chimney fires recently. This is caused by creosol build up in the chimney. Chimneys should be cleaned every 1-2 years by a chimney sweep or kits can be bought had your local hardware store to do it yourself.

Several suspects have been arrested for breaking into residences. Breaking and entering in cars is still a problem. Most car doors have been left unlocked. Please remember to lock car doors and take valuables inside your house or lock in trunk.

This is the time of year we will see and increase in people going door-to-door offering to do yard work. If the do not have a city license with a placard call the police (911), if they do have a placard you do not have to answer you door.

Most magazine sales door-to-door are not legitimate. Be aware around malls and shopping centers for people looking for a handout.

Shawn: Bert Turner reports that work to restore the Old Mill has started.

Celeste: City leaf pick-up will continue to March the 6th. You have to call and schedule a pick up.

THEA will have a student art show. Lakewood Elem. will be on display May 1st, NLR West May 4th-15th, and NLR school district NLR Elem school art show will be May 18th-29th. THEA is located at 401 Main street North Little Rock.

NLR Clean Up day will be in May.

Mayor Hays is in Washington regarding the stimulus package and money that will be available for North Little Rock.

Bedford Camera:
A presentation was given for making a photo inventory of belongings and personal items that have value to the homeowner.

Next meeting will be Thursday March 19th at the Lakewood Methodist Church at 7pm.

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